We are in the last 72 hours of Kickstarter 4! The book is currently funded but we’re trying to get to Stretch Goal #1 which will unlock an entirely new Westgate Adventures! story for all backers!!
Tag: D&D
Johnny Rook Games News, Kickstarters, Westgate Adventures!
Our newest Kickstarter is now LIVE! Check it out today!
Johnny Rook Games News, Kickstarters, Westgate Adventures!
Kickstarter 4: Of Hunger and Lies Pre-Launch Page is now LIVE!
Stop by and sign up today to be notified when the project goes Live!
Johnny Rook Games News, Kickstarters, Westgate Adventures!

Check out our new Kickstarter Update #25!

Finally, after several unexpected set-backs, the books are coming!
Kickstarters, Westgate Adventures!
The Edits are in! Edging closer to printing and sending the new book to our KS backers! Read more below!
Watchtower Digital Rewards and OSE Conversion Booklet sent!