Check out our update – all digital awards are finally sent!

Check out our update – all digital awards are finally sent!
Check out our new Kickstarter Update #25!
Finally, after several unexpected set-backs, the books are coming!
Cafepress is having their annual Halloween 35% off sale. This is a good time to pick up some Johnny Rook Games Merch for less! The sale is UP TO 35% off though and discounts are applied in carts so we don’t know exactly what is for sale or for how much. Either way, shop smart, shop Johnny Rook Games!
Well folks, something screwed up our databases and damaged the internal workings of the site so badly that we had to reinstall everything from scratch. I’ll get things back and operating soon but this time I’ll design my own stuff instead of using template garbage. Bear with me, my time to work on this sort of stuff is very limited.
Johnny Rook Games